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External Links to other Innovation & Invention Resources

Innovative Products Research & Services, Inc. (IPRS) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded in Massachusetts to develop a better understanding of the innovation process, to disseminate knowledge of the climate which fosters innovation and invention, and to provide practical demonstrations of technology transfer.  IPRS is also engaged in research in life sciences and provides  services in the areas of nutrition and disabilities.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).  The USPTO maintains a searchable database of all U.S. patents and trademarks in addition to many pages of helpful material about intellectual property.  There is a special office to assist independent inventors.  There are two databases for patent searches:  one for issued patents and another for published applications.  There is a separate database for search for trade and service marks.  To do on-line patent searches go to the following site.  http://patft.uspto.gov/. For more general information go to:  https://www.uspto.gov/.  For special help for inventors go to Inventor Assistance Center at: 

Another searchable patent repository is Google Patents.

MIT Lemelson Center administers the Lemelson Prize for both student and professional inventors.  This is funded by the Lemelson Foundation which was established by a wealthy and prolific independent inventor.  The Lemelson Prize is designed to be as financially rewarding and prestigious as the Nobel Prize.  For further information on the Lemelson Prize and other programs of the MIT Lemelson Center go to the following site: http://web.mit.edu/invent/a-prize.html  

Boston Public Library - Patent and Trademark Resource Center.  Maintains a full set of Patent Gazettes and provides for patent searches on CD-ROM or on-line.  They also have numerous resource books and materials.

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Revised: May 03, 2020.