Doc  Personal Reflections   1162 Falling Stream, Sanford, NC 27332
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Reflections on Creativity and Advocacy

Personal reflections of Dr. Donald Job.  Dr. Job has a BA in Physics from Linfield College and a Ph.D. in Biophysics from the University of Illinois.

Since childhood I have engaged in creative activities whether it be in writing, music, inventing or building things.  One thing I have learned is that creative problem solving is as much an art as a science and being creative as often having a different point of view than the norm.  One consequence of this is that the fresh idea is often difficult to become appreciated or accepted.  Thus, I have linked this section with advocacy.  Learning how to advocate for new products, systems or processes contributes as much to success as does the skill or novelty of the solutions ....

to be continued ..



 Further background on Dr. Job.

More details are provided on Dr. Job's LinkedIn account (, through ResearchGate ( ) and on the National Library of Medicine's PubMed site ([Author] )

Publications and presentations relating to Invention Development may be found at  NBD_Pubs.htm

For Life Sciences research work by Dr. Job see another site: under the following link:

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Write: 1162 Falling Stream, Sanford, NC 27332
Call:    603 521-0491  

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Revised: August 27, 2022.